Product Care

At Rugs 4 Home we strive to provide the best products for our clients. We ensure that each and every rug is diligently manufactured with the utmost care and attention. Each rug is carefully designed with excellent qualities and unique colours. We assure that each area rug is thoroughly inspected so that our customers receive a rug in perfect condition. Please note that sizes are very approximate and have been rounded up.

Our area rugs are not pre-scotch guarded, however they can be if you wish to do so. For the most part, stains will disappear if rubbed off with a warm cloth immediately. If a stain has been soaked into the rug for over four to five (4-5) hours, we recommend to apply dish soap to the stain and rub with a warm cloth for the stain to be minimized or even disappear. Lastly, carpet cleaners can be purchased in order to remove stains completely.

For cleaning and regular maintenance, we recommend you steam clean the area rug once a year if its in a high traffic area and within 1-2 years if its in a low traffic area. Regular vacuum is needed to keep the rug and the pile of the rug looking clean and fresh.
